Maduro: The main function of CLAPs is to become productive entities

The Local Committees of Supply and Production (CLAP) have two missions: The safe supply and a new distribution system, «But they also have a function that is the most important of all that we have done so far, which is to become productive entities», Thus said on Thursday the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro.
From the Productive Unit «Indio Yare», located in the city of Maracay, where was held the National Homeland Congress, Chapter of the Committees Local Supply and Production (Clap), the Venezuelan Head of State stressed that the new system should also be a instrument to overcome the economic war.
«Along with the people, is the only power that can overcome the economic war, the threat of a coup d’etat and thus overcome the shortages», he said, besides remembering that this is an unprecedented experience of the People’s Power.
«What would be of Venezuela against what we have faced with this economic war, if we had not founded the CLAP?» questioned the First National Leader, while congratulated all communities and the people in general for having founded this new experience in the country
Maduro said that the Local Committees of Supply and Production must ensure the multiplication «of communal, local, community production, is the People’s Power making the productive miracle of the Economic Revolution in Venezuela, that is the great mission of the CLAP here onwards».