Saab: "The world could know that here we demonstrate openly by peaceful means"

In an interview this Sunday on the «Dialogo Con…» ( Dialogue with…) program … broadcast by Televen, (Ombudsman Tarek William Saab) commented that during the demonstrations made last Thursday, both the Chavista people and the followers of the opposition, through the Bolivar avenue and east of Caracas respectively, was evidenced the consciousness of the Venezuelans and «the democratic essence (of the Executive power) to respect peaceful demonstrations».
In this regard, he said that «What the world could know about the Venezuelans this September 1 was that in here you can demonstrate in an open manner, publicly, by peaceful means».
He reported that the Ombudsman’s office, as a National institute for Human Rights, was among the meeting points of both mobilizations in order to ensure that they would run peacefully and within the constitutional order, attending any denounce that may had taken place.
However, he said that although during the journey it was evidenced that some sectors of the right wing perpetrated violent and destabilizing actions in the capital city, these were isolated and did not left any negative balance.
«We could detect in an isolated manner some (violent) spots in El Rosal and Altamira, but fortunately these did not got to become as in the past, – for example in 2014, with the insurrectionary plan of the right wing so- called «the exit»-, into actions of a violent escalade with deaths and wounded people», said Saab.