Hector Rodriguez: Lifting parliamentary immunity is a necessary debate

The deputy from the Homeland Bloc, Hector Rodriguez, said on Thursday night that the request made by President Nicolas Maduro to the Supreme Court (TSJ) to lift the immunity of public officials is a necessary debate.
“Citizens wonder how is it that politicians can generate terrorist violence and unrest. No citizen, regardless of the responsibilities it may have, can be put above the law. There is no justification for people with little or much political leadership, to make a call to kill, murder, inciting hatred”, said Rodriguez during his participation in a special program broadcast by the RNV Informative channel, and led by its president, Ibesmar Jimenez.
He said the opposition in the Parliament is irresponsibly using a figure that was created to protect the freedom of political expression, “that’s one thing, to use the position to generate terrorism is something else entirely”.
“I have a position as a deputy, but that does not make me a first-class citizen, on the contrary, I am more obliged to respect the Constitution, the laws, to use my spokesperson to call for peace, to make politics with ethics and morals” , he pointed out.
“Either we do politics “guarimba-style” (1), “adeco-style”(2), cheating, in the violent, the vulgar style, or we do politics in the Venezuelan style, which is the politics of love, of respect, of a discussion with height, with all our differences” he reiterated.
(1): Refers to the violent actions of street barricades, arson and violence perpetrated by extreme right wing groups
(2): “Adeco” refers to anything or anyone belonging to the right-wing political party “Acción Democrätica”