The leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Jorge Rodriguez said this Monday that the Chavista people will remain mobilized on the streets as an expression of support for the Bolivarian Revolution and in favor of the national peace.
At a press conference of the National Directorate of the PSUV, he explained that for this Tuesday is planned a mobilization in Trujillo state and the rest of the week are expected meetings in Lara state and Caracas.
He also said that on Saturday, July 30 will be made in the capital city a march of the Colombian community living in Venezuela, where they will raise their voices for the peace of the Bolivarian Homeland against the pretenses of the national and international right wing to break the tranquility and stability.
«Colombia-Venezuela: A single flag» is the slogan that will mark the event with the fellow Colombians, said Rodriguez.
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