In video! President signed decree to create Great Mission Sovereign Supply

President Nicolas Maduro signed on Monday on a national joint television broadcast, the decree to create the Great Mission Sovereign Supply, which is structured on seven vertices of action, in order to meet the needs the Venezuelan people.
The Head of State explained the seven vertices, noting that the first one covers the efficient and sustainable production, the second covers logistics and distribution in a new system, the third deals with the new marketing processes, the fourth involves the new system of costs, the fifth one seeks to consolidate the productive organization, the sixth one refers to comprehensive security and defense, and the seventh and last vertex highlights the research, development and substitution of imports.
He explained that the mission «Emerged from the evaluation of these five months of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda; It has emerged from the operational, technical, economic and political proposals of the National Economic Council; and has emerged from the beautiful process of Local Committees of Supply and Production «, said the Head of State, from the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, where was held a Council of Ministers on a national radio and television joint broadcast.
He also added that this Great Mission Sovereign and Safe Supply, will work on three engines of the Agenda: Agro-Alimentary, Pharmaceutical and Industrial, noting that it will provide more tools for the development of the second half of 2016.