Venezuela says NO to OAS's interventionism!

Within the context of the interference promoted by the Venezuelan right wing at the Organization of American States (OAS), the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said that he will not allow any imperial power to touch a single inch of the nation.
«They have no limits on the ridiculous and the submissiveness of Henry Ramos Allup to urge the imperialism to intervene in Venezuela. Our problems should only be resolved by us Venezuelans, Venezuela says no interventionism by the OAS «, said the Head of State in a joint radio and television broadcast.
Maduro considered as an outburst and a «ridicule» to the actions of the Chairman of the National Assembly before the international body. «He filled with manure an endowment as never happened before in history», he said.
He ratified his absolute will to the dialogue promoted by the Union of South American Nations with the mediation of the former presidents. He stressed that the route was supported by the Secretary General of the Organization of Unit Nations (UN), Ban Ki-moon.
He explained that the Executive Power wants peace, but the people will not surrender to the international blackmail. He asked to convert the second half of the year into hope and solutions for the community».