This Wednesday, the Head of State, Nicolas Maduro, and US Assistant Secretary Thomas Shannon, met at the Miraflores Palace, Caracas.
Shannon, who is in charge of Political Affairs of the US Foreign Ministry will continue with the talks initiated between the two countries last week in the Dominican Republic, during the general assembly of the OAS.
The meeting, which lasted about 2 hours, was also attended by the Chancellor of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez
«I’ve ratified in a long conversation our interest that, sooner than later we can build an agenda of respect between the two Governments, it is not easy for the differences that there have always been, for the attempts made again and again by the United States of cornering our country (…) but I have sent a message to President (Barack) Obama to reconsider his stance against the Bolivarian Revolution», said President Maduro at the end of the meeting.
Presidential Press
«#FOTOS Pdte. @NicolasMaduro received in Miraflores Palace to Thomas Shannon …»
14:27 – 22 June 2016
It should be noted that President Nicolas Maduro has met with Shannon in no less than four occasions, meetings that have been characterized by long meetings, in which has been made clear the need for a respectful dialogue, from the differences between Caracas and Washington .
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