President Maduro creates Nora Castañeda International School of Women’s Leadership

The time has come for us to establish, to activate the Venezuelan and Latin American International School of Women’s Leadership (…) the name will be Nora Castañeda, in honor of our great teacher and professor of economics. Because women are the best economists in the home and in the family,” announced the constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros.

This is the second great goal that I am going to set for you. We need to train all Venezuelan women in values, leadership, organization, entrepreneurship. The greatest power we can give, excuse the redundancy, to a woman, to a man, to young people, is the power of knowledge, of education, the values ​​of the light that illuminates them to face so many challenges and paths that we have to face,” said the National President, from Los Próceres (Caracas), where he shared with thousands of women on their International Day.

He compared this recent creation to the International School of Youth, which is already in operation, and which in the case of women will be the opportunity to train female leaders and empower women, in full swing:

To forge the new female leadership from the deep Venezuela in the values ​​of the homeland, in honesty, in ethics, in the Venezuelan cultural identity, train so that we have thousands and one day, comrades, we will have millions of female leaders exercising power and taking the reins of Venezuela from all territories and sectors.”

Communal rotatory fund:

President Maduro also referred to the Rotatory Fund for entrepreneurship in communal projects and announced that on April 27, the second election to choose the proposals, those communal circuits with the greatest participation will win a special investment prize for female entrepreneurship through the Communal Banks.

There will be priority, where there is more participation they will win the investment prize of the Communal Bank, for credits, entrepreneurship in the neighborhood and the community, and there we are making the regulations so that this rotatory fund that I created and that will later reach all 5,338 circuits, 65% of these financings are for women’s entrepreneurship.”

He finally reported that regarding the third vertex of the GMVM (Great Mission Women Venezuela), through which a mechanism for delivering inputs for entrepreneurship was requested in surveys and assemblies, the “kits” or combos for female entrepreneurs were approved and are already in Venezuela:

Entrepreneurial kits activated with payment facilities, for baking, textiles, sewing machines, tools for making sausages, locksmiths, beauty salons, laundries and other ventures requested in the first surveys. These kits are already in Venezuela, so we have big tasks ahead of us”; he concluded.