From the spaces of the Ríos Reyna Hall of the Teresa Carreño Theater (Caracas), the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, celebrated the Day of the Pastor and the Pastoress, together with men and women of the Christian faith.
This act also stands as a ratification that the social programs, implemented by the Bolivarian Government, have protected and ensured the protection of Christian pastors in the country.
In this context, in 2023, the Executive announced the launch of the Social Church Program, with the aim of providing support to the most vulnerable, through food houses, donations and social assistance through the Patria System.
This day is also a tribute to the Christian leader, Martin Luther King, as President Maduro highlighted after representatives of the Evangelical Christian Movement for Venezuela proposed this to him, in honor of King’s birth on January 15, 1929:
«I think it is very good to honor a great pastor of the people, a martyr in Christ. In Christ, in Christian love, on January 15 of each year,» he said on December 5, 2019.
The Head of State was accompanied in this first meeting with pastors this year, in the Ríos Reyna Hall, by the First Lady and Combatant woman of the Republic, Cilia Flores; the deputy to the National Assembly and vice president for Religious Affairs of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nahum Fernández, also head of government of the Capital District, as well as authorities and special guests.