Head of State highlights the loyalty and bravery of the FANB during the beginning of the “Con Maduro+” program

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, at the beginning of the 51st edition of his weekly “Con Maduro+” program, highlighted the loyalty, bravery and strength of the FANB, while declaring that history is marked by the participation of the Venezuelan army and all its power, since it was the liberators of Venezuela who liberated Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and other homelands in South America.

Our soldiers went to liberate Santa Fe de Bogotá, united with the ordinary people of Colombia, they were the ones who liberated Quito, to found the Republic. Our Simón Bolívar, Antonio José de Sucre and the troops,” declared the head of state from the Theater of the “24 de Junio” Battalion, located in the Campo de Carabobo (Carabobo Battlefield).

During the weekly summary of the acts delivered and carried out by the national Executive in recent days, the president highlighted his visit to more than 10 cities, to verify and personally deliver medical, educational centers and infrastructure throughout the territory, thanks to the program “1×10 of Good Government”.

In this sense, the national dignitary ratified his oath, from Campo de Carabobo, that “no one is going to privatize the right to housing, health, education, life, to the future. “No one is going to steal your right to the future.”