The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, celebrated that Venezuelan athletes who participated in the 2024 Paranational (National Paralympic) Sports Games, in Maturín, Monagas state, were decorated in their different categories.
In this sense, the President detailed which were the medals they received during their participation in the games:
Capital District: First place, with 29 gold medals, 20 silver and 14 bronze.
Carabobo State: Second place, with 20 gold medals, 20 silver and 16 bronze.
Lara State: Third place, with 18 gold medals, 15 silver and 6 bronze.
Miranda State: Fourth place, with 16 gold medals.
Anzoátegui State: Fifth place, with 12 gold medals.
Zulia State: Sixth place, with 10 gold medals
On the other hand, the Minister of People’s Power for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, highlighted: «These athletes teach us that nothing is impossible, that the true limit is set by oneself. These are the Paranational Games that dignify the human condition in general»; and in turn, he added that in these games participated athletes between 12 and 80 years of age.
It is important to highlight that the Paranational Sports Games not only celebrate the talent and perseverance of the athletes, but also underline the importance of inclusion and respect for diversity in Venezuela.