The Venezuelan pharmaceutical industry is one of our priority motors”, said President Nicolás Maduro Moros, clarifying that this important sector of the country has reacted positively.

Our pharmaceutical industry has reacted very well, it is great news that at this moment it is supplying with maximum quality and world quality, 70 percent of the medicines in the national market, complemented by 30 percent of imports. Today, fortunately, people can go out to any town or city in the country and they will be able to see that we went from a catastrophic situation to a full supply, so that the people have access to their medicines”.

The National President affirmed that Venezuela has achieved an advanced technological installation in recent years, despite the criminal sanctions by the United States:

Between 2006 and 2014, there was a lot of investment and important credits were moved and the Venezuelan pharmaceutical industry positioned itself with great production capacity, with various medicines, but that came to nothing with the economic war and sanctions, but today it is a priority engine, with growth and a lot of future”.

The head of State recalled the painful shortage of supplies in the national pharmaceutical system due to the economic war, which, at the moment of the arrival of the pandemic, prevented us from selling supplies and medicines:

It was a terrible persecution for us to care for our patients with diabetes, dialysis, or chronic and catastrophic diseases, but we guaranteed, with the participation of private entrepreneurs from Venezuela and other places in the world, the active ingredients and raw materials and medicines, and we maintained our growth by boosting the industry as it has been in this 2024”, concluded the President by saying on the subject.