Head of State responds to Edmundo: You have lost your morals for ever

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, spoke out against the new lie of Edmundo González Urrutia, and said he felt sorry “for the cowardice and betrayal towards his own followers”, since after he delivered a letter to the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, now denies having done so and (says) that he was coerced by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez.

In this sense, the head of state stated that no one can claim his own clumsiness in self-defense: “You were the one who asked me for clemency, now, (the fact) that you have no word to try to save your clumsiness is another thing, and I don’t know what you will do, but you have lost your morals for ever.”

He considered Edmundo González as the second part of Juan Guaidó: “if Guaidó was a tragedy, now history repeats itself as a comedy, it repeats itself as a tragicomedy, it is the same devalued history of Guaidó part one,” expressed the national mandatary.

He also said that the one who should feel coerced is himself, with so many assassination attempts, so many sanctions, with exploding drones (*) and “you have never seen me justifying myself. The only thing I tell the people is (to have) maximum unity, maximum courage because (in the end) we always get out of these situations” highlighted President Nicolás Maduro.

(*): Refers to the assassination attempt on President Maduro on August 04, 2018.