Bolivarian Government announces creation of the Cocoa Support and Stabilization Fund

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced, from the town of Caucagua, in the Acevedo municipality of Miranda state, the creation of the Cocoa Price Stabilization and Support Fund.

In this way, surrounded by drums and chants, Maduro highlighted the importance of protecting cocoa producers in times of price fluctuations: “We are aware of the suffering our producers face when cocoa prices fall. For this reason, we have decided to establish a fund that provides them stability and protection.”

Also, the head of state highlighted that producers have joined the Patria System, to provide them with support in their agricultural work: “I received a request from 27,000 producers, and we incorporated them into the Patria System, to be able to help them with the work of their lands, and thus protect them socially.”

In addition, the national leader announced that the Cocoa Scientific Research Center is close to its inauguration, with the sectoral vice president for Science, Technology, Education and Health, and godmother of Miranda state, Gabriela Jiménez, at the helm.

In this sense, Jiménez explained that the Cocoa Scientific Research Center will be inaugurated on Wednesday, June 26. “This will be a space for lines of research and production, from families as part of the independence agenda for the maroon people, for all the people of Venezuela.”

Barlovento sounds its drums:

The community of Barlovento received the president with enthusiasm, overflowing the streets to the sound of drums and songs. The inhabitants offered their blessing and gave an image of San Juan as a symbol of welcome. In his speech, President Maduro expressed: “The drum sounds to raise awareness, to unite the people. We are alive and we will not allow the colonizers to break us. Let the drums sound!

For his part, the head of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, emphasized “we have to express our fervor in the electoral process, all together so that no one is left without voting. “All of us together must win the immense victory, to support the president who is with the people and who understands them, a worker president, a son of Chávez, who will win victory on July 28.”