President Maduro celebrates parents on their day and thanks them for their fight for the country

Every third Sunday in June, Father’s Day is commemorated, a special date that many Venezuelan families wait with great affection to be able to celebrate with their loved ones, what the father figure in people’s lives means, and that is why the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted this day, through the social networks:

(A) Father is that love that drives us to fight for our goals, that guides us and strengthens us with his example, it is that noble and strong hand that protects us and works to offer us a better world. Today I thank the Venezuelan parents who do not give up, who accompany me with their commitment and daily effort, who give everything, putting their everything into defending the home, dignity and Peace of their families. Happy Father’s Day!” highlighted the head of state.

Nowadays, it is common for parents to participate very actively in their children’s lives, carrying out daily activities at home, as well as through sharing other memorable experiences. This day celebrates what a father means in the family, and that together with the mother, they represent the pillar that supports and helps children grow and the family bond stays together.

(A) Father is that love that drives us to fight for our goals, that guides us and strengthens us with his example, it is that noble and strong hand that protects us and works to offer us a better world. Today I thank the Venezuelan parents who do not give up, who accompany me with their…”

Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) June 16, 2024