Bolivarian Government repatriated 16 Venezuelan castaways

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela repatriated 16 nationals who crewed the M/N Canaima, who were shipwrecked after being hit by another ship in Ecuadorian waters on May 15.

The information was released by the National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA) through its official account on the X social network The entity explains that the castaways were rescued on the high seas and transferred to the Port of Manta in Ecuador. Subsequently, they were housed in hotels, received psychological and medical care, in addition to being accompanied to give statements before the Aquatic Authority of Ecuador and other authorities of that country.

The compatriots were also assisted and advised in the process of obtaining travel documents issued by the Chancellory in Caracas.

The PEZATUN fishing company, representative of the vessel, accompanied at all times by the Venezuelan Aquatic Authority, coordinated the entire repatriation process.”