The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, confirmed that Venezuela is ready to become a strategic and reliable partner of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Regarding the participation of the Venezuelan Chancellor, Yván Gil, in the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the BRICS+, he stressed that the South American nation is making firm progress to enter the economic and commercial integration mechanism:

“I said it, we are doing it, we are going to achieve it: Venezuela is going to the BRICS (…) The news is fabulous, imagine Venezuela already in the BRICS, Venezuela is connected to the new world, we who have resisted the sanctions and the aggression we are greening. “Venezuela is reborn inside and out,” he noted during the “Con Maduro de Repente” (With Maduro, Suddenly) program.

He pointed out that Venezuela is being recognized in the new world as “the hope of Latin America and the Caribbean.” In this sense, he specified that the victory on July 28 will send a message to the new world about the solidity of the country:

“The victory of July 28 will send a message to the world that Venezuela is moving forward, that the world counts with Venezuela (…) the new world,” he added.

For his part, Yván Gil, Chancellor of the Republic, reported that Venezuela is moving very strongly towards full incorporation into the BRICS, considering the absolute recognition of “the achievements and contributions that Venezuela can make.”

He detailed that there is a shared consensus that with Venezuela’s entry into the BRICS, a greater dynamism will be generated “with transformations based on principles and values ​​of solidarity, as well as the rejection of imperialism and neocolonialism.”

Likewise, he stressed that the path towards the construction of a new world “was marked by Commander Hugo Chávez, the path that you lead today guides us in a world of success, in a truly world of growth and with a lot of hope.”

This Tuesday, during the meeting held in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, the Foreign Ministers of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, and of Venezuela, Yván Gil, signed a memorandum to counteract the US sanctions, as part of strengthening relations between the two countries. cooperation and ties of brotherhood between both nations.