President Maduro: The opposition is not campaigning but preparing guarimbas

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, warned that the opposition is not making (electoral) campaign, but rather preparing a big guarimba (riot), and therefore he warned that the government will not tolerate people going out to commit hate crimes “and whoever does it, goes to the brig”, he stated.

Guarimba and violence, never again. Whoever comes out committing hate crimes, defamation: straight to the brig: “Hate crimes or violence will not be tolerated, neither against civilians nor against the military.”

He urged the population to reject violence and commit to peace: “We must say no to fascism, no to violence… and for a good understanding, clear words. We are not playing with toy cars, and you know it,” he said when sending this message to the opposition.

These statements were made by President Maduro during the meeting of the National Campaign Command “Venezuela Nuestra del Siglo 21” ( Venezuela of Ours of the 21st Century), where the twenty-three states of the country were connected, plus the capital city, Caracas, with 15,804 Bolívar-Chávez Battle Units (UBCh).