President Maduro held conversation with president-elect of Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, held a telephone conversation with Claudia Sheinbaum, whom he congratulated on her electoral victory in the presidential election held in Mexico, in which she obtained 57.8 percent of the votes. votes. Likewise, the meeting served as a space for both authorities to ratify the commitment to fight against the lies of the international extreme right, as well as the path of cooperation and brotherhood between nations.

Through social networks, Chancellor Yván Gil reported that the conversation took place in a pleasant atmosphere and that the efforts to maintain a united continent will remain, in addition to remembering the Mexican struggles for their freedom.

Yvan Gil
“President @NicolasMaduro has had a fraternal and friendly telephone conversation with the President-Elect of Mexico @Claudiashein, where he congratulated her on the overwhelming victory over the lies and manipulations of the right wing this Sunday, December 2.”