Head of State instructs to maintain increase in fishing production in the country

As part of the commemoration of Fisherman’s Day, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, indicated that the country’s catch and protein from the sea, rivers and aquaculture has increased, and instructed for this work to be maintained constantly, with the aim of guaranteeing fish protein on the people’s table.

From Sucre state, the head of state reiterated that in previous times these artisanal workers were not taken into account because of those with the surnames, until Commander Hugo Chávez came to the Government, and emphasized that “by 2023, 264,541 tons of fish, which meant 13 percent more capture in the country, of that total 195,000 tons were caught in territorial waters and 27,249 tons in international waters” and highlighted that the sardines were the most outstanding sea protein of last year, in second place white shrimp, and in third place the tajalí, among others.

Likewise, President Maduro indicated that by 2024 efforts must be redoubled so that from this year to 2030, production continues to increase year after year: “Each year that passes, we have to improve in organization, in technique, in financing, in support,” he said.

President Maduro, after receiving a letter from the Martín Tovar y Tovar Educational Unit in La Esmeralda, instructed that the Bricomiles must begin repair work at the educational center starting this Thursday, which he requested to be completed within a month. In addition, he approved the asphalt plan for the Las Peonias community in that eastern state of the country.

Since President Maduro arrived in the state, the people of Sucre overflowed the streets to receive him and give him a warm welcome: “I had to stop and then (go) through the streets along the avenues, a true beauty, love is repaid with love,” he said.