President Maduro calls for debate to strengthen sovereign position over the Essequibo

Based on the analysis of the six moments of the controversy over the territory of Guayana Esequiba, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, called “for a sincere debate that would allow us to find ourselves, meet again and unite in strong ideas defended by everyone.”

Assuming this work methodology, we could make an exchange that starts today and that goes deeper into networks, streets, media and walls, that goes deeper into the conversation of Venezuelan society. A debate that leads us to unite on national criteria,” he emphasized.

During his speech at the Act of National Union in Defense of Guayana Esequiba, which took place at the Teresa Carreño Theater, located in Caracas, he reiterated that “it is time for a debate that unites the national soul into a whole”, which is why which rejected any attempt to dissolve public opinion or divide Venezuelans:

It is not time for a debate to dissolve public opinion, it is not time for a debate to divide Venezuelans, it is time for a debate to unite the national soul as a whole, in the strong ideas that move us as Venezuelans who love this country,” he stated.

The territorial controversy between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana is characterized by six historical stages: 1) Formation of the territory (1492-1840); 2) Period of aggression: dispossession and arbitration fraud (1840-1899); 3) Denunciation of fraud and the Geneva Agreement (1900-1966); 4) Application of the Geneva Agreement and emergence of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (1966-2015); 5) Guyana assumes a belligerent position (2015-2023); and 6) Consultative referendum in Venezuela.