Venezuela presents report to the UN Human Rights Committee

The Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Relations, Yván Gil, presented the fifth Periodic Report, on behalf of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, at the 139th period of sessions of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations (UN), in the city of Geneva, Switzerland: “Venezuela has continuous training in this matter. We emphasize, of vital importance, for this issue to be treated without double standards,” said the chancellor.

In his intervention, he expressed that “Venezuela advocates non-interference in internal affairs, in our country there is a body that guarantees human rights. Venezuela has been the object of sabotage, aggression, terrorism and illegal unilateral measures. These measures have brought negative consequences against the people, but we have a firm State, defender of Human Rights, and a people that has resisted the attacks of fascism and the (coercive) measures.”

In this sense, he expressed that “Venezuela remains undefeated on its path to peace. We have approved 67 laws for the civil and political rights of Venezuelans. The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has implemented policies on equality and social justice.”