Vice President Delcy Rodríguez: We are moved by the truth that Essequibo belongs to Venezuela

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, during the march in rescue of the Essequibo, against the sanctions and in support of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted that the national government fights to defend the territory of the Essequibo that belongs to the Venezuelan people:

“We are not moved by an economic interest, we are moved by the historical truth that the territory (Essequibo) belongs to Venezuela, we are moved by our legitimate rights and we have been facing abuses, violations of international law, and the president has been brave and summoned the Head of State of Guyana to a face-to-face meeting to engage in direct negotiations,” said the vice president.

She stressed that “Venezuela with the law in hand, with peace as its north, will come out in defense of its territory, of international law and today we are called upon to emerge victorious in this moral and historical battle,” while adding that the empire acts in evil faith to dispossess the peoples and steal their wealth, that is why the president has called for a great national union.”

In another context, she indicated that they attend to the proposals they have made, “we attend the dialogue table where we follow up on the education sector, claimed by the Revolution. At the worst moment with the blockade, the president was there with the school plan so that the children have uniforms and materials to start the school year. Despite the blockade, support has never been denied to this sector. We are standing waiting for the return to classes and accompanying the education workers, let us continue along the path of encounter.”