Head of State: The G77 must raise its voice against the persecution of the people

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, from the G77 + China Summit, which is taking place in Havana, Cuba, urged the group to raise its voice more strongly against all hegemonic practices that seek to dominate the world.

In turn, the Venezuelan president stressed that communication independence must be achieved after the current phenomenon of the internet and social networks:

New technologies impact our societies, without having any regulation or guidance. Communication independence must be achieved after the phenomenon of the internet and social networks. Knowledge, science and technology must be applied to telecommunications, social networks and the Internet», so that the countries of the south «may set the tone, allowing dialogue, integration and the search for our own models and paths, and Do not accept any power with symptoms of domination. We must have practical cooperation,” he emphasized.

In this sense, he added that alliances must be established with those countries that have advanced the most; “We must ask for more support and help. “I was impressed in China’s fields of life, we have to ask those emerging powers to help us advance.”

Finally, President Maduro considered the conditions are in place for the peoples of the south to rise as sovereign and independent nations, and conclude this century as the century of free peoples without colonialism.