President Maduro: The opposition lost its compass a long time ago

Pointing out that “this entire opposition group has come from one defeat to the other, from a failure to the other, from a conspiracy to the other,” the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, asserted that the extreme right wing has lost its compass, “as a product of the hatred they have accumulated”.

The affirmation responds to the pronouncement of the opposition leader Henry Ramos Allup on the statements issued by the fugitive from Venezuelan justice Antonio Ledezma, about an alleged conspiracy with the military. In this sense, he considered that if it was a lie, he should not have said it, since “he could falsely delude those who believe in the idea of the coup.”

(…) What this character said, even worse than a crime, is stupid. If it is true that you are conspiring with the military to overthrow the Government, How are you gonna say it, boy? Are you going to expose those who are going to hit Maduro? And if it is a lie, you cannot tell a lie that size to falsely delude those who believe in the stupid idea of the coup”, said Henry Ramos Allup from the College (Guild) of Engineers in Caracas.

In this regard, the Venezuelan president pointed out that the extreme right wing “has a double agenda,” particularly Ramos Allup, whose statements are “practically an advice for the coup plotters: if they want to carry out a coup and have a way to try to carry out a coup, don’t say so. Do it!”.

He emphasized that the opposition leadership is exhausted, which is why he considered that “everyone should hang up their gloves and give way to another generation of new leaders who do not have extremist plans, so much hatred, so much desire for revenge.”

He indicated that, although sectors of the ultra-right wing still strive to sow destabilization, Venezuela is firmly on a victorious path in which democracy, freedom and the capacity to respond to the needs of the people are strengthened.