Inaugurated first intelligent neurosurgery operating room in the country

The first intelligent interactive neurosurgery operating room and the Intensive Care Unit were inaugurated in the Ciudad Hospitalaria Dr. Enrique Tejera in Valencia, Carabobo state, as part of the actions of the 0800-Bigote helpline, as announced by that state‘s governor, Rafael Lacava, who stressed it “is the first intelligent operating room in Venezuela, which has high-tech equipment for patient care.”

The announcement was made by Lacava after inaugurating the intensive care room of the aforementioned health center, during a balance offered in the “Medios, Redes y Paredes” (Media, Networks and Walls) section of the “Con Maduro+” TV program, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV).

In this sense, the director of the neurosurgery unit of the Dr. Enrique Tejera Hospital, Dr. Trompiz, explained that in the intelligent interactive operating room they have a monitor that allows neurosurgery postgraduate students to see in real time the procedures that are applied in each of the surgical interventions:

“The image is projected in real time on that monitor and what is interesting is that the postgraduate students can see, from another room, what is being done during the operation through another monitor and some speakers. The resident does not need to be in the operating room to train little by little in their development as a student”, explained the specialist.

For his part, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that this intelligent operating room is part of the significant steps to technologically renew the country at all levels, especially in the field of health.