National Government and Democratic Alliance establish 30 days to define the most important points

The head of the Venezuelan delegation on behalf of the National Government before the Dialogue table, Jorge Rodríguez, announced that a period of 30 days had been established to define the most important points in the economic, social, political and electoral areas.

The information was released by Rodríguez after the meeting of the members of the negotiating table with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, at Miraflores Palace.

The president of the National Assembly (AN) highlighted that, at the end of the stipulated time, a document will be prepared to present the conclusions and agreements to the country for attention to the social issue.

He recalled that in September 2019 the Bolivarian Revolution signed a work and action agreement with Alianza Democrática (Democratic Alliance) “that paved the way for the 2020 parliamentary elections and the appointment of a new National Electoral Council that led us to the 2021 elections, where all we men and women participated”.

Likewise, he stressed that these actions are carried out with the purpose of projecting the agreements reached in the past, projecting them into the future.

For his part, the National General Secretary of the Copei party, Juan Carlos Alvarado, said that the recovery of resources, which was established in Mexico, seeks to benefit Venezuelans first, and assured that “today we are here to identify the problems of the Nation”.

He stressed that the meetings are held in accordance with the constitutional precepts of cooperation between institutions with the fundamental objective of seeking solutions to the problems of the people.

The first combatant woman, Cilia Flores, was also present at the meeting; the sectoral vice president for Economy, Tareck El Aissami; the governor of Miranda state, Héctor Rodríguez, and the deputy to the National Assembly, Nicolás Maduro Guerra.