President Maduro calls for a profound renewal with the 3Rs. Nets

With wisdom, conscience and commitment, the militancy of the @PartidoPSUV, today #13Ago goes out to renew the grassroots leadership, through the informative Popular Assemblies, in all the communities of the country. Let’s go all men and women, to the profound renewal with the 3R.NETS.”, This was the call made by the president, Nicolás Maduro, to the militancy of the red party.

The head of state posted this message on his account on the Twitter social network, @NicolasMaduro, regarding the informative Popular Assemblies that will take place this weekend.

The PSUV will renew its structure, with the aim of obtaining a fresh organization that will consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution.

The process will be carried out in phases. On August 13 and 14, each state must hold informative assemblies, where the modification processes will be detailed and the participation of people’s power will be promoted.

The second phase begins on August 20 with the street leadership election assemblies. Meanwhile, the assemblies for the selection of the community teams are scheduled for August 27.

The last stage of the process is on September 3 and it proposes the holding of election assemblies for the teams of the Bolívar-Chávez Battle Units (UBCH).