President Maduro activates Plan Vuelta a la Patria for Venezuelans attacked in Chile: “We will protect our people wherever they are”

The Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, ordered the immediate activation of the Plan Vuelta a la Patria (Return To The Homeland Plan), to protect and return to the country all nationals attacked by terrorists in Chile.

In this regard, the Head of State was emphatic in pointing out that “Venezuelans who have been attacked in the city of Iquique, Chile, do have a homeland that welcomes and loves them, we will protect our people wherever they are”, he said.

He assured that the “(Chilean) Pinochet-ist right wing promotes hatred against Venezuelans in Chile”, in reference to the deportation policies that the government of Sebastián Piñera is carrying out, an action with a clear anti-Venezuelan component:

“Venezuela is a migrant-receiving country, there has been no persecution or mistreatment against foreigners who decided to come to our country, we have treated them with love, we have never persecuted them”, he sentenced.

“Julio Borges should be tried and imprisoned for the crimes he has committed”:

Likewise, he considered that a good part of the responsibility for these attacks against Venezuelans lies with those pseudo opposition leaders who spread hatred against the country throughout the continent and on the planet:

Julio Borges is a despicable being who should be tried and imprisoned for the crimes he has committed. He is one of the promoters of hatred and xenophobia unleashed against Venezuelans”, reflected Maduro.

We are going to respond for those compatriots who are in Iquique, in here they have a Homeland that awaits them. I tell my migrant brothers to return to their land, they have our support to return to Venezuela with the Plan Vuelta a la Patria”, he finally stressed.