Venezuela closes with positive balance agenda in the UN Human Rights Council

On Wednesday, the agenda of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, culminated at the 39th Session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN) in Geneva.

“It has been a very important visit, because the multilateral organisms must be present to reject the aggressions against the countries, against their sovereignty, the meddling in their internal affairs; the multilateral organisms are there to fight unilateralism, the unilateral coercive measures, to fight against any attempt of intervention”, said the Venezuelan diplomat in statements to Telesur.

He recalled, in this regard, the threats of military intervention that have been uttered from the United States against Venezuela, and denounced the alleged meetings of Venezuelan military officials with US officials to discuss a coup d’état in the Bolivarian Republic.

In this regard, he emphasized that the United Nations should promote dialogue, equality and protect member countries and their human rights:

“And precisely the Human Rights Council must have a much more impartial and objective approach to Venezuela,” he suggested.

In this context, Chancellor Arreaza expressed his confidence in the new United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Chilean Former President Michelle Bachelet:

“We are willing to establish a new method of work, of approximation, of information with the Human Rights Council, with its offices, experts and rapporteurs, so that they know the reality of Venezuela and we can work together”, he added.