Actions for the approach and diagnosis in attention to the victims of the economic war are being reinforced

Through a diagnostic plan of public services in the communities, will be determined the actions to be carried out, in attention to the Venezuelan people and optimizing the quality of life, as was announced during a meeting between the sectoral vice presidencies for Public Works, Services, Social and Territorial Development, headed by G / J Néstor Reverol and Eduardo Piñate, respectively.

This prior evaluation will allow the reorientation of the Integral Care Plan for the Victims of the Economic War and the Imperial Blockade, in order to provide timely responses and ensure that each situation that affects basic services is resolved in every corner of the country, by the agencies of the Bolivarian Government.

«These social journeys must prioritize everything related to water, electricity and domestic gas in order to continue advancing in all aspects as ordered by President Nicolás Maduro»; This was stated by the Sectorial Vice President of Public Works and Services, G / J Néstor Reverol, who also stressed that the objective is to return to Venezuelans the benefits that have been taken from them in the midst of the multiform war that the North American empire maintains against Venezuela.

In terms of electrical energy, he indicated that as part of the Integral Lighting Plan for Express Roads, more than 38,000 lights have been installed throughout the country, of which 14,000 have improved public lighting in the main road arteries of the city of Caracas.

In addition, he added that this Plan is being successfully developed on the Central Regional Highway, «where 71 kilometers have been illuminated to date”.

The General-in-Chief highlighted that thanks to the workforce, close to 1,500 transformers have been recovered in the workshops of the National Electricity Corporation (Corpoelec), which makes it possible to respond to eventualities in the electrical service and thus guarantee the energy distribution in the country.

Maintenance in reservoirs

Regarding the National Water System, he pointed out that maintenance work is currently being carried out in the prioritized reservoirs of the country to guarantee the drinking water service in all entities and acknowledged the work carried out by the government entities of the sector, which presents a great advance.

Advances in Public Works

Looking ahead to the celebration of the Bicentennial of the historic feat, on June 24, the head of the Public Works and Services office, indicated that the refurbishment works of the Carabobo Battlefield Camp are 90 percent complete and that they will be completed before the expected date.

We only have 29 days left for the June 24 celebration with a set of events that are scheduled. The labor force has given answers and it is important to say the Carabobo Camp is becoming a tourist scene, with history and well decorated”, concluded General in Chief Reverol Torres.