Venezuela reiterates to Guyana it will not allow illegal incursions into its territory and will defend its sovereignty

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects and denounces the false accusations and misrepresentations made by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, in an official communiqué published on January 24, after the Bolivarian National Navy intercepted two Guyanese vessels, which were illegally fishing in waters under the full sovereignty and jurisdiction of Venezuela, without having any legal documentation whatsoever.

Following, the full communiqué:

The Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela refutes the defamations by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in its official communiqué published on January 24, 2021, in relation to the custody activity by the Bolivarian National Navy that resulted in the interception of two Guyanese vessels, named “Nardy Nayera” and “Sea Wolf”, which were exercising in fraganti illegal fishing in waters of full sovereignty and jurisdiction of Venezuela, without also having any type of legal documentation.

The Bolivarian Navy’s operation was carried out in waters of undisputed Venezuelan sovereignty, in full respect of the legislation in force, guaranteeing the due process of the detained crew members. This new media matrix of the Guyanese authorities lays bare the unilateral pretensions of that Government, in alliance with oil transnationals, particularly with the US’s Exxon Mobil company, over uncontroversial Venezuelan territory, as well as marine and submarine areas pending to be delimited.

In the aforementioned communiqué, the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, incurs in a flagrant interference in internal affairs, by also incorporating a series of absurd and erratic objections to the recent promulgation of a Venezuelan territorial ordinance that exclusively postulates the formulation of public policies for the maritime development in the exclusive and non-controversial territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

In reiterating its aspirations to maintain relations of respect, cooperation and good neighborliness with the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reiterates that it will not allow illegal incursions of any kind into its territory and that it will exercise, as it has always done, the sacred right to defend its sovereignty.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects and denounces the false accusations and misrepresentations made by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, while ratifying its offer of sincere dialogue, without hidden agendas, in order to create an environment conducive to understanding, within the framework of International Law, particularly the Geneva Agreement of 1966.

The Venezuelan sun is born for the Essequibo!”