Compliance of Organic Law of Guayana Esequiba will be mandatory

The Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba will become a mandatory law with absolute compliance in Venezuela, as a result of the five decisions of the people who voted YES on December 3, in the unprecedented Consultative Referendum, whose overwhelming victory with more than 10 million votes, will guide the actions of the State from now on and into the future:

It is a law that must be complied with in the national territory and surrounding areas,” said the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, during his “Con Maduro+” program, in its 29th edition, where he confirmed that the National Assembly (AN) approved in the first discussion the bill resulting from the people’s mandate in the referendum, and which is currently in popular consultation, to nourish its second discussion before the Venezuelan Parliament with new proposals.

He said that after the victory of the referendum on December 3, State decrees were activated to implement the decision and will of the people’s mandate, with the nine strategic actions that are “in full development.”

Maduro said that these nine State actions are part of a “magic formula”, reflected in the mathematical-philosophical-conceptual formula: “3D+5YES= 9 strategic actions.”

Onward with the nine strategic actions, they are going forward to defend the five YES of the people,” he said.

Likewise, the head of state warned that in accordance with the popular decision that rejected in the referendum the illegal actions of the American-transnational ExxonMobil oil company in the undelimited areas of Essequibo and in the Atlantic Sea, Venezuela will not recognize any exploration and exploitation participation, granted by the government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.