Republic Plan will have bio-safety plan to protect the people in parliamentary elections

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported on Tuesday that the Republic Plan will have a special bio-safety plan to protect those called to vote in the parliamentary elections, which will take place on December 6.

“I announce that within the Republic Plan there will be a special bio-safety plan. I have commissioned the Bolivarian Militia to direct a special plan to care for voters throughout the electoral process”, said the Venezuelan head of state.

From Fort Tiuna, in Caracas – where was held an act of military graduation and promotions -, the National President indicated that the National Government is importing and producing all the instruments and equipment necessary to carry out the electoral journey.

“We are producing and importing all the masks and alcohol disinfectant gel” to guarantee health, emphasized the Venezuelan president.

During the activity, President Nicolás Maduro urged all the people to participate in the parliamentary elections in December, where the new members of the National Assembly will be elected.

Likewise, he urged to participate in the elections to the political organizations, who will have broad electoral and constitutional guarantees.

“I call on the people of Venezuela to prepare safely to go vote (…) for all political parties, there are broad guarantees”, he stressed.

Earlier, the National Electoral Council (CNE) assigned bio-safety material against Covid-19 for officials who will be active in the country during the special journey of the Permanent Electoral Register (REP) that will be held from July 13 to 26.

On July 1, the president of the CNE, Indira Alfonzo Izaguirre, announced that on December 6 will be held parliamentary elections to choose 277 deputies (110 additional seats to those elected in 2015) for the 2021 -2026 term.