Venezuela confirms 34 positive cases and one deceased due to coronavirus

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed this Tuesday 34 new positive cases for the Covid-19 coronavirus, which brings the total number of infected by the outbreak to 1,211.

From Miraflores Palace, in Caracas; The Venezuelan head of state explained that of the cases confirmed this Tuesday, one case is for community transmission, and 33 are imported cases.

In this sense, he explained that in recent weeks there has been an increase in imported cases. Of the total number of cases, 476 are from Colombia, 126 from Brazil, 49 from Peru and 36 from Ecuador.

The Venezuelan president pointed out that these compatriots returned to Venezuela, fleeing from xenophobia and the sanitary crisis that is registered as a result of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

“They are fleeing from Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, fleeing from the governments of the Lima Group, which are a group of swindlers, political crooks,” emphasized President Maduro, while rejecting the use of Venezuelans for the media campaigns promoted by these governments.

During his address, he confirmed a new deceased from the outbreak, bringing the death toll to 11.