Maduro: Chile is writing pages in the history of Latin America

The people of Chile is writing pages in the history of Latin America in their wake against the neoliberal system, as assured this Thursday the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro:
“We will not forget this 2019, because it has been the year of the awakening of Chile, and if Chile wakes up, the entire Latin America and the Caribbean will awaken. Chile is writing pages of glory in history in this 2019″, said the Venezuelan head of state during the inauguration of the 15th edition of the International Book Fair of Venezuela (Filven) in a joint radio and television broadcast.
From the Yellow House -Seat of the Venezuelan Chancellory, where Filven is taking place -, the National President stressed that the Chilean people “will not stop” until they reach their own path, and stressed the importance of Telesur in the current political and social moment in Chile:
“Chile is not stopping, it’s impressive. Fortunately there are social networks to find out about everything, because if it was by CNN, nobody would know anything; Fortunately we have social networks, and there is Telesur, and we learned about the rebellion of youth, women, workers, the workingman, the businessman in Chile”, said the Venezuelan president.
In this sense, President Maduro stressed the need to build a deep vision of humanity, while affirming that in the Latin American region there are “tests” underway as alternatives to neoliberalism.
“Everyone in their tests, building alternatives against neoliberalism,” said the national dignitary during the opening ceremony of the literary event that will run until November 17, and which will bring together 70 writers, 50 national and 25 international.
For two weeks, in Chile there have been demonstrations and protests in rejection of the neoliberal policies imposed during 30 years in the country, and which were intensified during the government of Sebastián Piñera. These mobilizations – many of which are being repressed by the State Security forces – have left a balance of 23 dead, approximately 3,000 injured, and thousands arrested.