M/G Jesús Suárez Chourio was appointed as Chief of the Joint Major Staff

The Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, Nicolás Maduro, appointed as Chief of the Major Staff of the Commander in Chief to the M/G Jesús Suárez Chourio.
“I have designated the MG. Jesús Suárez Chourio as Chief of Staff of the Commander in Chief that I lead in a direct and personal manner in order to revive, energize and carry forward (…) the Commander in Chief as a structure created by our Commander Hugo Chávez”, he said from the courtyard of the Ministry of People’s Power for Defense, in Fort Tiuna, to head the acts for the transmission of command of the Army, Bolivarian National Guard and Militia components, and promotions to Major Generals.
A designation made “for the sake of contributing more and more with humility, but wisdom that our Bolivarian National Armed Forces follow its process of organic, institutional, doctrinal, conceptual and operational expansion”.
He also urged the people of Venezuela to prepare for the next military exercises to be held on July 24, which will be called Liberating Campaign “Simón Bolívar”.
In addition, the National President granted to the officers of the four components that make up the Bolivarian National Armed Forces the promotion to the next higher grade, being promoted to the rank of Major Generals (M / G) and Admirals (ALM.).
For the rank of Major General, there were seven promotions, comprised of the components of the Bolivarian Army, Bolivarian Military Aviation, Bolivarian National Guard and two to the rank of Admiral for the Bolivarian Navy.