Venezuela evaluates incorporating mechanisms on an international scale for Petro

The National Superintendency of Cryptoactives and Related Activities (Sunacrip) of Venezuela is evaluating the incorporation of international mechanisms for the Petro cryptocurrency in the coming months, as informed the head of the entity, Joselit Ramírez.
At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Ramirez said that the Venezuelan cryptocurrency, based on reserves of natural resources, has a real operation within its blockchain from October 1 of 2018.
“Throughout this year we have been advancing in an accelerated way in order to consolidate the project and provide a useful tool to the country and the world,” told the superintendent to Sputnik.
He stressed that in the country there are already people who market some products with the Petro, adding that the cryptocurrency is also used as a tool for saving and collecting remittances.
“In this last month we are incorporating services by the State, at least for some institutions to accept Petro as a form of payment, such as passports and some goods that are exclusively for the population”, he said.
He highlighted that Sunacrip made the PetroApp application available to users, in order to facilitate access to the aforementioned operations.
Ramírez exalted the participation of Venezuela during the Economic Forum of St. Petersburg, where he had the opportunity to present the advances of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency to various entrepreneurs.
“We presented the progress of Petro to representatives of the Russian Government, members of the Russian blockchain association and some private entrepreneurs, as well as representatives of the Eurasian Community, and we had an excellent reception”, he said.