The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, inspected this Tuesday the Packing Center of the boxes for the Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP), located in the port of La Guaira:
«Nothing or nobody is going to stop this machinery of the Local Committees of Supply and Production, and I guarantee to the people that the CLAP will continue working and improving», he emphasized in a joint radio and television broadcast.
During the activity he asserted the CLAP have two enemies: the government of the United States and the Venezuelan coup plotting oligarchy. «We are going to defeat them with more production!», he said.
In that sense, the national leader urged to strengthen all mechanisms of food distribution to ensure quality food at socialist prices to the Venezuelan people.
«I ask for a bigger effort, more work, greater results! We must produce all the food for our people. We have a blessed land that is Venezuela! «, he exhorted.
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