Dialogue process with the Venezuelan opposition is resumed in Norway

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported on Friday that the talks with the Venezuelan opposition were resumed, this time with the mediation of the Norwegian government:
“I have to inform my country, with my word and my responsibility, that the minister (of People’s Power for Communication and Information), Jorge Rodríguez, and the governor of Miranda state, Héctor Rodríguez, went to Norway to head the delegation of Venezuela at the beginning and the exploration of conversations and dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition, to build a peace agenda for the country”, he said during a military march held in Aragua state.
In this regard, he thanked the government of Norway for welcoming the delegation of the National Government, and the support for the dialogue tables:
“The talks have been well started to move towards agreements of peace, of concord, of harmony, and I ask for the support of the people”, said the National President.