Chancellor Arreaza exalts social achievements achieved in times of revolution

From the 17th Ordinary Meeting of the Political Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas – Trade Treaty of the Peoples (ALBA-TCP), held in Nicaragua, the Chancellor of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza, extolled on Thursday the social achievements since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution:

«This Bolivarian alliance that began almost 14 years ago as an alternative, nowadays takes the most of the relevances, showing itself as a platform of struggle for the peoples of our Americas to take charge of their own destiny and achieve true independence» , he emphasized.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, said that undoubtedly the initial decade of this century, was a decade conquered for the peoples, although in previous times seemed to dissipate the hope and the possibility of an alternative model that was wanted to implement from the U.S.

In this way, «Has emerged in our peoples a real alternative that began with the victory of the Bolivarian revolution in 1999, but that already had clear signs in the Caribbean», Arreaza continued.

During his speech at the meeting, the Chancellor explained that ALBA is part of an original project and that thanks to each nation was serving their peoples, and putting together a platform to serve them together. These elements allowed to carry out projects with Petrocaribe and thus use the energy sources of Venezuela for the development of the peoples of the Caribbean.

In the transit of the Bolivarian Revolution, devised by Commander Hugo Chávez and President Fidel Castro, was able to advance in this vital space, which brought great popular victories in revolutionary and progressive years; an example of this was the triumph of Lula Da Silva in Brazil, then Evo Morales in Bolivia and that is how the progressive governments in Argentina and Uruguay were consolidated.

Finally he pleaded for the union of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean at moments that, as he considers, the government of the United States (the USA) intensifies its attacks against sovereign States of the region.