Proposals to promote fight against racism are presented during the 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress

On the 227th anniversary of the rebellion of José Leonardo Chirino, was installed in the spaces of the Venezuelan School of Planning, in Caracas, the Plenary of the 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress, which pays tribute in this edition to the revolutionary leader Aristóbulo Istúriz, a referent of the Afro struggles in Venezuela and the world.

During the Plenary was highlighted the need to create a national organization that allows comprehensive care for Afro-descendant communities in Venezuela, in addition to agreeing on a common agenda and the organization and training of the Afro youth:

“From there, we men and women decided to meet in order to be able, collectively, to raise our cimarrón legacy and take on this new task in this process that has allowed us to move forward,” said Deputy Casimira Monasterios, general coordinator of the event, who was at charge of the opening words, together with Aníbal Istúriz, brother of the remembered honoree.

The activity discussed policies related to Afro-descendants and the recognition of the historic rebellion of the African people in Venezuela, led by the zambo José Leonardo Chirino on May 10, 227 years ago. One of the proposals that emerged from the plenary is the creation of the Afro Vice Presidency within the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

After the central activity, work tables were held in which proposals were presented to promote the fight against racism, establishing equality and cultural diversity as a priority, as did for many years Afro-leaders such as Istúriz, Juan de Dios Martínez, Argelia Laya and Olimpíades Pulgar, among others.

Likewise, the Afro-descendant deputies presented their management report before the plenary, and a meeting was held with the Commission for the Clarification of Historical Truth, Justice and Reparation on Colonial Dominion and its Consequences in Venezuela.

The 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress, coordinated by the National Council for the Development of Afro-descendant Communities of Venezuela, will be held until this Tuesday, May 10, with a final declaration at the 4F Mountain Barracks.