95 Venezuelans returned on Tuesday from Peru with Vuelta a la Patria Plan

This Tuesday, a total of 95 Venezuelans returned to the country from Peru, as part of the Vuelta a la Patria (Return to the Homeland) Plan, promoted by the National Executive.

Through the Twitter account of the Venezuelan Embassy in Peru, it was reported that this would be the 5th flight of this kind that departs from the Jorge Chávez International Airport, located in the city of Callao, in the South American nation.

Until now, more than 7,000 Venezuelans have returned to the Homeland, through the Vuelta a la Patria Plan, designed to attend these nationals who have been victims of media manipulation that made them migrate, lose their heritage and quality of life; in order to provide conditions for their return to the country.

The Vuelta a la Patria Plan includes three phases, which includes registration in the program, the logistical operation with the transfer to Venezuela, and the insertion in the social protection system of the National Government.