The National Constituent Assembly (ANC) will discuss projects to strengthen the construction sector, with the aim of boosting the productive apparatus and generating new income to the country, said on Sunday the president of the Economy Committee of the plenipotentiary power, Andrés Eloy Méndez.
«The next step to take is the mortgage portfolio and the housing policy law, is to raise it, improve it, so that people can continue acquiring (housings). There is nothing that dynamizes more than construction», said Andrés Eloy Méndez, when interviewed on the «José Vicente Hoy» program, broadcast by Televen.
The constituent highlighted, in addition, the recent actions of the Executive framed in the Plan of Economic Recovery, Growth and Prosperity implemented by the Bolivarian Government for the protection of the purchasing power of the Venezuelan people.
Among the measures, he referred to the new minimum salary of 1,800 sovereign bolivars and that will be anchored to the Petro. With this, he said, Venezuela will reverse the damages caused by inflation induced by national economic and international right-wing factors.
Likewise, Méndez highlighted the work carried out by the ANC in the last year, with the approval of a set of laws that seek to boost the national productive apparatus, such as the Law on Reform to Value Added Tax (VAT), the Law of Reform to The Large Financial Transactions and the Law that establishes the Temporary Regime of Payment and Advance of the Value Added Tax and Income Tax (ISLR) for the Passive Subjects Qualified as Special.