Venezuela and Palestine reaffirm ties of friendship and cooperation

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting with the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmuod Abbas, in which they signed new cooperation agreements in the area of tourism, foreign trade, defense and health for the benefit of both nations.

Likewise, the National President ratified in the name of the Bolivarian Government the unconditional support to the struggle of the people of Palestine for being a free nation, during the journet that took place at Miraflores Palace in Caracas.

«The Bolivarian, sovereign, free Venezuela, decisively and actively supports in all areas of the world the cause of free, independent, sovereign and peaceful Palestine (…) we reject the unnatural decisions of the United States Government of wanting to snatch Jerusalem from history . Illegal decision that ignores the mandates of the United Nations», reiterated the President.

In this regard, President Maduro stressed that from the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (NAM), an instance in which Venezuela exercises the pro-tempore presidency; the Palestinian cause has been given impulse and, in addition, it asked to establish a date for the realization of a summit Arab Countries and of South America with the objective of defending the mentioned cause.

In turn, during the ceremony the Venezuelan President signed two presidential decrees for the creation of joint ventures, which will allow strengthening the development of minerals such as gold, diamond and coltan, in cooperation with Palestine.

The meeting was also attended by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, the Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Trade and International Investment, José Gregorio Vielma Mora, the Minister of People’s Power for Tourism, Marleny Contreras and the Ambassador of the State of Palestine. Venezuela, Linda Sobeh Ali.

For his part, the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmuod Abbas, thanked the Bolivarian Government for the support they have given to Palestinian students living in Venezuela, who have graduated as doctors and engineers.
The Palestinian President also thanked Venezuela for its contribution in the creation of an Ophthalmology Hospital in Palestine, called «Hugo Chávez», which will soon be operational.

Similarly, President Mahmuod Abbas highlighted the support of the Bolivarian Government with the Palestinian cause, which has been constant and unrestricted.