The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed the importance of compliance with the 5 fundamental objectives for the massification of the National public health system, with the 0800-SALUD health care system as the first objective.
«We have treated 771,000 compatriots (…) so that everyone gets their medicine and medical care, so they can see that we are making a miracle. Only through Barrio Adentro is possible the 800-SALUD system», he said.
The second objective is to capture all the cases that need some surgical background. «This year we are looking through the house-to-house visit to confirm with the Carnet de la Patria card the need for surgical interventions, to speed up surgical interventions in hospitals and specialized health centers of the Barrio Adentro mission», he detailed.
The third objective will be the incorporation into the special humanized delivery plan for all pregnant women in the country. In this regard, the Head of State announced that a special program of protection bonds for pregnant women will be launched, which will be delivered as of next week.
«I announce that I will have a special bonus program to protect all pregnant women in the country. The Bonus for the Humanized Childbirth», said the Head of State from Miraflores Palace, in Caracas.
He added that so far there are 134,457 pregnant women registered in the veQR application.
In this regard, the National President reported that this Saturday, January 13, all public health programs, specifically Barrio Adentro 100% and the 0800-SALUD, will start a house-by-house visit plan.