Head of State ordered the FANB to protect public services

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the revolutionary forces not to lower the guard on the recent attacks on public services orchestrated by the fascist oligarchy, with the aim of preserving democracy and peace consolidated by the National Constituent Assembly , in the face of new electoral victories.

“Let’s not lower our guard, let us not trust, let us be distrustful to take care of peace. Let’s defend the right to peace that the country has. If we are living a better climate, already defeated the violence, and triumphant the constitution, the constituent and peace, we take care of every detail”, he said.

The Head of State stressed the importance of consolidating a plan to protect public services, due to the acts of sabotage perpetrated by actors on the right wing, condemning the incident on Tuesday at the administrative headquarters of Corpoelec, Táchira state.

“We adjusted the special intelligence and protection plans for public services (…) yesterday they burned down the headquarters of Corpoelec, I believe that as a gesture of desperation and madness. The perpetrators are already imprisoned, militants of the opposition (…) we must discover where the command center of the electric war is. I want to put them in prison, deliver them to justice and show them to the public, who are the ones behind this attack? ”

“Let all the REDIs, all the ZODI, all the FANB make a super-special plan to protect public services and particularly the electric service and water service at the national level (…) devote staff for preventive intelligence (…) you are experts and are also prepared for these analysis techniques,” he said.

The national Head of State assured that the right wing will not return to the times of the guarimba (riots), after its interventionist and submissive plans of the country become evident.

“I am sure that the times of the guarimba will not return. They are not in conditions and we will never allow them (…) and today we are more clear and we have more power to do so (…) identify the vulnerable points where the attacks come from. One of the main elements that we must neutralize is the ability they have to attack vital public services to affect the Venezuelan population and we should not allow it from now on”, he said.