Rangel: Authors of the 2002 coup d'etat insist on unconstitutional shortcuts

Venezuelan journalist Jose Vicente Rangel warned that right-wing sectors that were responsible for planning and executing the coup d’etat of April 2002, insist on applying unconstitutional shortcuts against the Government of President Nicolas Maduro.
During his program «Jose Vicente Hoy» (Jose Vicente Today), broadcast by Televen, Rangel said that the authors of that plan to overthrow President Hugo Chavez, are the same ibis that lead the opposition parties that refuse to accept the democratic rules today.
«In the events that occurred on April 11, 2002 there is one noteworthy aspect: The material and intellectual authors have never acknowledged their responsibility (…) Therefore, starting from the aforementioned events they remained in the national politics with the same attitude, and they have always maintained their willingness to repeat it», he said.
By meeting this Monday April 11, 14 years after that coup d’etat, the journalist reminded those antidemocratic sectors that at that time there was an immediate response from the Venezuelan people, which was concreted on April 13.
Of repeating those facts – said the journalist- , the opposition would pay a high price. In this regard, he said that while there are foolish sectors who are bent on violence, the majority of Venezuelans have a commitment to peace.
Rangel also noted the importance of promoting dialogue between the two sectors, and stressed that «the task, instead of raising other (new) walls, consists on building bridges, but all assisted by the sincerity in managing politics and the loyalty to the institutions «.
14 years ago, the Venezuelan people joined the armed forces to defeat the Coup d’ Etat perpetrated by the Venezuelan right wing, in an alliance with the private media and with the support by the US Government, whose aim was to overthrow the legitimate Government of Commander Hugo Chavez.