On July 30 we are going to vote for peace

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, invited the Venezuelan people to exercise their right to vote in the elections of July 30 to elect members of the National Constituent Assembly.

“Let’s organize, to go in family, in a bunch. Early in the morning, 5 a.m., as soon as you listen to the Carabobo Reveille, to vote for peace, for the future”, said the Head of State during the ceremony of the delivery of the 1,700,000th housing of the Grand Mission Housing Venezuela.

He insisted on that each voter check, through a phone text message to the number 2406 – sending the ID Card number without dots -, which is the polling place where you vote, and what and how many options you have to choose both at the territorial and sectorial levels.

The President recalled that the document necessary to exercise the right to vote is the identity card. At the same time he emphasized the importance of carrying the “Carnet de la Patria” (Homeland Card) to register at the Tricolor Points located at the gates of the voting centers, in order to carry a census of those who vote.

This instrument responds to the real-time monitoring of the 4 × 4 machinery, planned by the revolutionary forces to ensure the participation of the largest number of Venezuelans in the process.
“Venezuela on Sunday is defined between two options, It will be either the destructive violence of the “guarimba” (riots), or the path of peace and dialogue of the Constituent Assembly … It will be defined between two options; either division, confrontation and civil war, or reunion, reconciliation and union through the Popular Constituency”, said the Head of State.