Know two law proposals that President Maduro will present to the ANC

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported on Thursday that he will present to the National Constituent Assembly a draft for a Constitutional Law to regulate prices of goods and services, an area that is attacked by oligarchic sectors as part of the economic war.

“It is a law to combat speculation and regulate prices and establish regulation of all prices, with regulation, with an iron fist. Before the Constituent, a law of economy, a Constitutional law”, said the President during a meeting held with the workers of the Sidor Steel company in Guayana, Bolivar state.

In the same order of ideas, the Head of State informed that he would request a plenipotentiary law for the Commission for Truth, Justice and Peace, which would allow the National Constituent Assembly to “prosecute and establish the truth of all crimes that have been committed during the “guarimbas” (riots) of 2017 “.

These proposals – as detailed the National President – will be part of the legal instruments that will be taken to the National Constituent Assembly, which will be installed in the Elliptical Hall of the Federal Legislative Palace within 72 hours after the proclamation of the members.

“That is why the Constituent Assembly is the solution, because it will have all the original, plenipotentiary power of the whole nation, of the whole Republic. It is the only way out, the only option, a democratic, free one, there is no other”, stressed the Venezuelan President.

In this sense, he emphasized that when the National Constituent Assembly – made up of 545 members – he will direct to this instance as Head of State to present as a draft law, the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of 1999, for it to be expanded and perfected .

“I will introduce the pioneering one, so that it is adapted, with the national intelligence, with the national debate, and so we can perfect the social, labor rights, the duties, to build a new non-oil, post-oil economic model. And after we have perfected that Constitution, that the people will elaborate, it will go to a referendum and it will be up to you to say whether you approve or not the new, enlarged, improved Constitution. Let the people decide”, he said.